Introducing MAKOTO and Dreamsmithy, a voice assistant and dream app duo tackling implicit ageism

MAKOTO is an artificial agent with the voice of a Japanese older adult, the first of its kind. MAKOTO lives in Dreamsmithy, an intergenerational platform designed to reduce implicit ageism using the psychological mechanism of repeated exposure. Daily exposure to MAKOTO through a positive and meaningful "dream crafting" activity is linked to reductions in severe prejudice against older adults across age groups (research under peer review).
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Interested parties can request access to the Dreamsmithy platform

MAKOTO and Dreamsmithy were created by (removed for anonymous peer review). We will consider requests based on the intended use and with respect to maintaining our intellectual property (IP).

Dreamsmithy was developed using modern web technologies, including JavaScript with TypeScript, WebSockets, and MongoDB, as well as ChatGPT, for which a paid account may be necessary.

At present, we are not offering access to the MAKOTO TTS. Interested parties will need to procure a web-facing TTS. Dreamsmithy is set up to sync with the FastAPI framework and Gunicorn.

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