Spartan Agency Application
We are a full-service, on-campus, student-run media communications agency led by top professionals—and we have a passion for helping organizations meet their marketing and communication goals. Nonprofit organizations and community-oriented businesses benefit from skilled teams ranging across disciplines. In return, students gain "real-world" experience producing rigorous creative and strategic work that forges relationships and builds brands. Visit for more information.
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First Name: *
Last Name: *
Class *
Major/Concentration: *
Position Applying For: *
Select all that apply.
Link to Portfolio
If you have an online portfolio or a folder with some of your best work please provide a link below (this can be a link to a website, document on a website or link to a folder on a cloud server, such as Google Drive, OneDrive, or Dropbox).
Link to Resume *
Please provide a link to your resume (PDF or DOCX format) from  a website or folder on a cloud server, such as Google Drive, OneDrive, or Dropbox.
Skills *
Select all skills that apply:
Briefly tell us about your interests and what you hope to focus on in the agency and/or the future.
Spartan Email *
Please provide us with your Spartan email in order to contact you about your application.
Please provide us with your gmail if you have one.
Phone Number *
Please provide us with your phone number.
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