Graduate Assistantships & Employment Opportunities
The Office of Graduate Student Life posts positions to this page:

To request a position posting, please fill out this form. Our web team will post your position within 2-4 business days, if approved.

Note: Positions will be removed when the position has been filled or three months after the posting date.

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Your name (individual filling this position) *
Your Email  *
Organization hiring (e.g. BC Law School, BC Office of International Programs, MassArt Office of Student Engagement, etc.) *
Is this organization at BC or outside of BC? *
Name of the position (e.g., Graduate Assistant, Study Area Monitor, etc.) *
Please provide a weblink to the position job description. All job descriptions should include a list of the duties as well as instructions on how to apply. (Google Drive or weblink only) *
What is the compensation for this position and how many hours are required? (e.g., $20/hour 20 hours/week, or $1,700/month Stipend, 20 hours per week, etc.)

When do you expect this position to be filled (i.e., the date when this posting should be removed)
Anything else you would like us to know? You can also email with any further questions.
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