Akolmfi AMA/Q&A for ma Cozy lil Cutays~
Please read what is below before submitting your question thank u! (Also yes this is fully anonymous!)
No personal questions - Examples: Real name, place of living, family life and such.
Don't ask me 20 questions PLEASE. I will only answer 1-2 from each submission.
NSFW Questions are allowed but please don't ask anything OVERLY sexual or again, personal.

Otherwise, ask away and thanks for taking to time to read/write a question!
Ask me anything! SFW (Safe for Work)
Ask me anything! NSFW (Not safe for work/sexual :3)
What is your favorite song, favorite artist/group and what is your favorite video game! (Not for the audio I just curious :3)
Finally just thank you for being here in this community. I couldn't be here without you all and I am forever grateful to have such amazing and supportive people around me.
Mwah mwah~ (Say whatever comes to mind here hehe)
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