Call for expression of interest- ESRAG GB&I Management Committee  
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About the role

As a member of ESRAG GB&I, you will have the opportunity to shape the future of ESRAG GB&I approach to delivery of the content strategy and membership. You will contribute to the committee’s leadership of meetings, sharing materials, and membership. You are also likely to be involved in reviewing applications for and allocating competitive funding for relevant ESRAG GB&I projects.

The committee will include current Co-Chairs/Chair, Chair Elect, Immediate Past Chair  and   representatives of all ESRAG sub-groups  Ideally a Secretary, Webmaster, Treasurer, and membership lead thus providing continuity.

Members serve for a minimum of one year. 

Frequency of meetings- the committee will usually meet on a quarterly basis for 90 minutes.

Eligibility-  This is an open call to all current ESRAG GB&I members 

Please completethis form by or before 24th May 2024 5pm BST
Full Name *
Email address *
Are you a current ESRAG GB&I member? *
For current ESRAG GB&I members, for how long have you been a member for?  *
The role of interest to you (you can choose more than one role) *
The value you would bring to the ESRAG GB&I Management committee *

State up to three issues related to the Committee’s Terms of Reference that you think it should address

Any other comment
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