Beyond the eyes: Embodied Methodologies into an Image Environment.
Beyond the eyes: Embodied Methodologies into an Image Environment.
This workshop seeks to stimulate reflection on the importance of embodied methodologies in our visual, academic and intellectual productions. The workshop is based on visiting research scholar (LLC)  Maya Quillolos' research at the intersection between anthropology, cinema, and performing arts to think cultural diversity and environmental change.
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What brings you here? Tell me your interest and expectation about the workshop. 
How do you like to be called? Pronouns, nicknames, artistic names etc...
Do you identify with a race and/or ethnicity?  If you feel comfortable, please share which one/s you identify with.
Do you have any restrictions? 
Which days feel better for your schedule? Remember our meeting will be at lunch time (12-1pm) *
Do you have some experiences, wishes, or materials that you would like to share with the group? If you want, paste here links for material that you would like to share.
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