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Whimple 250k Club
Thank you for joining our 250k club.
After you have completed this membership form, please proceed to organise your payment to us, via the method you selected.
Please ensure that you have reviewed the 250k club
prior to joining.
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to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Your answer
Your answer
Phone number
Your answer
How many numbers do you want to take on? (£6 per number per month)
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Monthly Payment Declaration
Confirmation of commitment to set up a standing order for a 250k club membership
Upon receiving this form we will set up your honorary membership immediately in lieu of your first actual payment to the 250k club scheme. Please tick this box to confirm that you will setup a monthly standing order to us for your 100 club number(s). (Details of how to do this will be provided at the end of this form)
Standing Order for £6 per number per month (repeating until you amend at a later date)
I would prefer to pay in bulk (upfront) via BACS - Minimum 6 months.
I would prefer to pay in bulk (upfront) via either Cash/Cheque - Minimum 6 months.
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