M-Lab Community Office Hours Sign-Up

M-Lab hosts community “office hours” on the third Thursday of every month at 11:00 AM EDT. The purpose of these calls are to: 

- Provide hands-on guidance to community members who are new to using M-Lab data. 

- Learn about what kinds of M-Lab research users are interested in and solicit feedback about how we can make it easier

- Foster idea exchange and potential collaborations within the M-Lab community 

Office hours are best suited for users who have started working with the data, need to troubleshoot getting access, or have a specific research question already in mind and would like assistance writing the query for it. If you are interested in more of an  Introduction to M-Lab, please reach out hello@measurementlab.net. 

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Affiliation, Title
How familiar are you with M-Lab data? 
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Tell us about your research.
Please provide any queries or code you've started. 
Our next session is October 19, 2023 at 11:00am EDT. Does that work for you? 
Any other notes? 
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