Rosyth Community Projects Limited / EATS Rosyth Membership Application
Thanks for taking an interest in what we do. Did you know that you can become a Member of Rosyth Community Projects Limited (RCPL) who run EATS Rosyth and Rosyth Community Hub and employ our Hub & Gardening Staff, manage volunteers and help deliver the EATS Rosyth project and Rosyth Gala? Our members play a key role in setting our priorities, through volunteering and engaging in projects or by joining our Board of Directors. Membership entitles you to attend and vote at our Annual General Meeting as well as allowing us to keep you up to date with the project.

RCPL / EATS Rosyth objectives are:

the advancement of education in Rosyth
the advancement of environmental protection or improvement in Rosyth
the advancement of citizenship or community development in Rosyth (including rural or urban regeneration)

To apply for membership, just complete this form:
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
House Number *
Street Name *
Town *
Postcode *
Phone Number *
Age *
I would like to receive your e-newsletter with news items and invitations to events *
I support the aims of EATS Rosyth & Rosyth Community Projects and would like to become a Member of the organisation. I live in Rosyth and am  over 16 years of age. Please note Non-residents of Rosyth over 16 years of age are eligible for Associate Membership (see next question) but will not be eligible to vote. *
I support the aims of EATS Rosyth & Rosyth Community Projects and would like to become an Associate Member of the organisation. I do not live in Rosyth and am over 16 years of age. *
I agree to EATS Rosyth & Rosyth Community Projects contacting me occasionally to help inform their work in our community via occasional online surveys or phone calls. In return I can draw on advice and support from the organisation on growing, cooking and sharing and being involved in the community. I will receive invitations to members-only events, courses and workshops. I understand, if I am a full Member I have a vote at the Annual General Meeting to steer the work of the organisation and am eligible to join the Board of Directors. All your details will be stored securely and will not be shared with any third party. All data is held in strict accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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