The Baltimore City Health Department's Naloxone Training Request Form

Welcome to the Baltimore City Health Department Naloxone Training Request Form.  
Please contact Rania Mohamed,, for any questions, comments, or concerns about your training request.

These requests will be fulfilled by the Overdose Prevention Team of the Baltimore City Health Department. Please allow at least 1-3 business days for a response from our team, and schedule your training at least 7 business days before the proposed date. This allows us to contact your team to schedule a new date if we are unavailable.
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Email *
Name and Title of Requester *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Name of Facility *
Address of Facility *
Has there been a history of overdose in or around your facility? If not, is your facility located in a high-risk area? *
What type of training are you requesting? *
Would you prefer Zoom or an in-person training? *
Are you requesting naloxone? If so, how many kits?
Type of Facility *
Is this training for patients or clients with lived experience, family and friends, or staff of the facility? *
Number of Participants *
Is your organization interested in becoming an Overdose Response Program?
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Is your organization interested in becoming a naloxone distribution site?
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Has anyone from your facility administered naloxone? If yes, has it been reported to an official entity?
Priority of training *
Very high
Very low
Proposed Training Date 
Proposed Training Time
For in person trainings, please provide parking instructions
Please note any important information below
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