SIZ Room Request Proposal Form for Fall & Summer 2024
Thank you for your interest in teaching in the Sakamaki Innovation Zone!

Please review the SIZ Course Proposals & Submission Dates webpage prior to submitting this form.
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Email *
Last Name *
First Name *
Phone Number *
(a number where we can reach you if needed)
Choose: *
Department *
Which semester are you applying for?  *
Course Number *
(ex: BIOL 375)
Course Name & Section *
(ex: Genetics - Sec 1)
Class Days *
(ex: T/R)
Class Hours *
(ex: 12:00-1:15)
Course Capacity *
(maximum number of students)
Does this course meet in person regularly (every week)? *
Will there be additional instructors for this course? *
*if yes, please provide their name and email
Have you used any of innovative CTE classrooms before? *
If yes, how many semesters have you used an innovative CTE classroom?
I understand that the Sakamaki classrooms require me to BYOD (bring my own device). *
I agree to be responsible for the room during the time I occupy it. *
Willing to have a CTE faculty possibly make an informal visit to assess that the space supports your course. Time and date by agreement with you. *
Willing to accept occasional VIP* visit to your space during class period, following an email notification. *
*VIPs may include: Hawai`i State Legislators who fund Mānoa capital improvement projects including innovative classroom spaces, architects & designers working on campus projects, and academics & administrators from other universities & campuses. This is a result of these spaces gaining national recognition & awards for teaching & learning design & implementation, and being highlighted by UH Manoa in student recruitment.
If my course is selected, I will attend a 30-minute orientation to the room I’ve been assigned. *
I have read the SIZ Guidelines for faculty and I agree to them *
I will distribute the Student Guidelines to students in my course. *
Please write a BRIEF* statement of what makes your course innovative, including some features of the course and some desired outcome that define it as innovative in nature. *
*up to 450 words or less than 3300 characters
For this course, will you need the room during the assigned final exam period? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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