MCG's 2017 Survey: challenges and opportunities in museum/heritage technology
The Museums Computer Group regularly runs surveys to help focus our work connecting, supporting and inspiring people who work with technology in museums and the heritage sector. Your response will help us understand the challenges and opportunities currently faced by people working in the sector. The results of this survey will be shared via our discussion list, website and social media. Contact us via with any questions.

The survey has four sections - about you and your organisation, a snapshot of activities in the sector, some questions to reflect on and share your experience, and finally, 'the MCG and you', where we're seeking to understand what works well, what needs tweaking and where we should focus our efforts. It takes 7-10 minutes to complete.
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About you and your organisation
Your name and email are optional, but it's nice to know who we're hearing from.
What region is your organisation in? *
Which of the following best describes the organisation you work for? *
Organisation size
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