Latin Sol Volunteer Sign up 2024
For those who don't know what the event consists of, Latin Sol is a Latin dance festival held by ASU from March 15-17 for the community. In order for us to successfully create this event we need assistance from volunteers. 

We have various volunteering positions to choose from but we would appreciate it if volunteers have an open mind in switching positions as we see fit. 

We will be having a meeting with volunteers each morning before the event. 

You can volunteer for multiple positions. We will also be doing our best to schedule everyone in a manner that they will be able to volunteer and participate in the festival.

The number before the position is the number of volunteers we are looking for. Invite friends to volunteer with you, let's make it a fiesta! It will be loads of fun. :)
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Email *
Full Name *
Phone Number *
Volunteer Positions: Pick at least 3 you are interested in *
Have you gotten your Latin Sol Ticket yet? Get your free ticket here. *
Questions/ Comments/ preferred times or dates to volunteer ?

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