Skybird Programme Evaluation - Survey among the WASH network members

Dear Skybird WASH Network Member, 

We trust this email finds you well. You have been selected to answer the quantitative survey regarding the evaluation of the Skybird Programme. As you probably know, Skybird was implemented to achieve innovation and collaboration in WASH for improved living conditions in East Africa. The programme was mainly financed by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), which is very interested in the outcome. The Competence Center for Nonprofit Organizations at the Vienna University of Economics and Business is now evaluating the programme. The results will inform the Skybird ll Programme proposal development.

Please take 5 minutes to fill out this online questionnaire. Your answers will be completely confidential and anonymous.

If you have more in-depth comments, suggestions or any information you’d like to share, please email 

If you need additional information to fill out the survey or if you have questions, please email us at 

The survey will be open until the 10th of June 2023. Thank you so much for taking the time to complete this survey. 

Yours sincerely, 

The Skybird Programme Team 

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