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Join us on 1-2 November in Yugoslav Film Archive (Jugoslovenska kinoteka) in Belgrade! DW Akademie in cooperation with OSCE Mission to Serbia organizes BRAVE NEW MEDIA FORUM already the eighth year in a row, with more than 300 participants from the Western Balkans and beyond. 

Get inspired by journalists fighting for press freedom and young people advocating for societal change on social media. Let’s jointly find out how to handle the challenges of a world that is spinning faster every day – in BNMF OVERDRIVE.

This year there are two side-events: INNOVATION DAYS sheds a spotlight on the pros and cons of AI in the newsroom and media safety, with experts from all over the world. NEXT-GEN MEDIA EXPO showcases groundbreaking best-practice examples of the public interest journalism of tomorrow.

How to register:

  1. Choose your focus event: Only one registration is needed to take part in all three events. 
  2. Sign up: Fill out the registration form below. 
  3. Confirmation: Once your registration is approved, you'll receive a confirmation email.
  4. Parental consent: If you're a minor, don't forget to get your parents' permission to attend! Please fill this document and send it to bravenewmedia@dw.com.

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e.g. +123 45 678900
Age: *
I will participate: 
I would like to receive information about BNMF's side events Innovation Days and Next-Gen Media Expo (simultaneously taking place in Yugoslav Film Archive), as well:
Registration does not automatically mean that DW Akademie covers travel and accommodation costs. 
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