Whatcom Peer Collaborative Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in the Whatcom Peer Collaborative.

This form is for people who are interested in participating in peer support. 

Our peer supporters will contact you at your preferred method within 1 week of your submission. If you have a more urgent need, please call 988 or you can go to the crisis triage at:

If you have questions, you can reach us at whatcompeercollaborative@gmail.com
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First Name *
Last Name *
Phone number *
Email *
I prefer to be contacted by: *
My preferred language is:
Clear selection
City of residence *
Please describe what support you are seeking: *
Are you interested in support for the following:
Do you prefer to meet: *
Do you prefer to meet with a peer who: *
This peer support service requires a commitment to communicate promptly with the peer and show up promptly for appointments. Do you agree to this? *
Please review our "Limitations and Guidelines" to understand more about what peer support is and is not and what we ask that you agree to when entering into peer support.


If you agree to these guidelines, please enter your name below. Or enter any questions you may have.
Thank you!
Our peer supporters will contact you at your preferred method within 1 week of your submission.

If you have questions, you can reach us at whatcompeercollaborative@gmail.com
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