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Application Form 申請表
Conflict, Justice, Decolonization: Critical Studies on Inter-Asian Society Project
* Indicates required question
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Name 姓名
First and last name
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Email address 電郵
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Student number 學生證號
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Department/Institute 院系
SRCS 社會與文化研究所
IACS 亞際文化研究學程
Others (NYCU-based) 交通大學其他院系師生
Others (outside NYCU) 外校師生
Degree 學位
M.A. 研究生
Ph.D. 博士生
Exchange student 交換學生
Year level 年級
1st 一年級
2nd 二年級
3rd 三年級
4th or more 四年級及以上
Do you have a Taiwan Post Bank Account? (Authors of selected articles who have Taiwanese bank account will be awarded 4,000 NTD per article) 您有中華郵政帳戶嗎?(對於擁有台灣的銀行帳戶的學生,我們將提供每份稿件4,000台幣的獎勵)
Yes 有
No 沒有
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Proposed Title 文章標題
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Abstract (300 to 400 words for English papers and 450 to 600 characters for articles written in Mandarin. Abstracts in Mandarin should have an English translation.) 摘要(英文摘要300-400字,中文摘要450-600字。中文摘要需附英文翻譯。)
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