Chronic Illness Coaching and Support Group
Small group centered around friendship, authenticity, and wellness in the face of chronic health challenges.

The intent of this group is:
  1. to provide a space for nonjudgmental, supportive, authentic connection with others who are navigating health challenges
  2. to foster one another's overall wellbeing through the structure of group health coaching

Dates: October 9 - December 18, every other Wednesday

Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm

Cost: $90  (If cost is a barrier, please feel free to pay what you can afford.)

Registration Limit: 6 people

CYANWOOD Natural Lifestyles Center
2704 Spotswood Trail, Suite B
Harrisonburg, Virginia

Hosted byAlign Integrative Health; Jessica Clark, RN, BSN, certified integrative health coach

Contact Jessie for questions: or 540-460-9865

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Phone number *
What health condition(s) are you currently navigating?  
(Please only share what you feel comfortable with.)
What is your age?
What is your gender?
Dietary restrictions
I understand that I will bring payment to the first group meeting.

$90 cash or check (made out to "Align Integrative Health")

If cost is a barrier to you, please feel free to pay what you can afford.
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