Creation Care Summit: Gratitude, Hope & Action
Join us as we learn together from our Catholic social teaching about hearing “both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.”

At this inaugural Creation Care Summit hosted by the Archdiocese of St. Louis, we will hear from local experts, advocates, students and clergy committed to helping us better care for each other and our Common Home. 

Saturday, September 21 @ 9am - 12pm
St. Louis University High School
4970 Oakland Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110

8:30 - Doors Open w/ Light Refreshments
9:00 - Opening Prayer & Welcome
9:20 - Beatitudes for Climate Change
10:20 - Break with Vendors
10:50 - Francis Talks & Synod Discussion
12:00 - Closing Prayer & End

Benjamin de Foy, PhD - Saint Louis University
Jean Ponzi - EarthWays Center of Missouri Botanical Gardens
Mark Etling, PhD - Saint Louis University
Ken Kresyman - Ameren
And more…

For more info contact the Laudato Si Commission leadership at 314-792-7177 or

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