Joyfully Called and Sent - Fr Colin's 25th Sacerdotal Anniversary 
Fr Colin will be giving thanks to the Lord and Mother Mary for his 25 years as a Jesuit priest on Wednesday, 2 October 2024
You are all warmly invited to the Thanksgiving Mass followed by a dinner reception at the Sacred Heart and St Ignatius Halls. 

6pm: Thanksgiving Mass
7pm - 9pm: Dinner 

For planning of catering, we request that you sign up soonest possible. Thank you.

Note: The lower outdoor carpark at 8 Victoria Park Road will be closed; please park at the Main Church carpark or at the nearby HDB carparks. 

Your love offering is much appreciated to help us defray the cost of the dinner reception. 
You may donate via PayNow to UEN: T08CC4052A, or by cheque to 'Church of St Ignatius', reference '25 Anniv'. 
Thank you and God bless!
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Will you be attending the Thanksgiving Mass?  *
Will you be attending the Dinner reception?  *
Number of Adults attending the Reception (including yourself):  *
Number of Children attending the Reception (12 years and below): *
Your Name: *
Your Contact Number:  *
Your Email Address: *

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