School of the Prophetic Application
Thank you for applying for the School of the Prophetic. This form will help us get to know you and your experience with the prophetic so far. Please follow the instructions below:

1) Follow this link to pay the $20 application fee:
(Application fee is non-refundable/non-returnable, upon acceptance, it will be applied towards tuition.)

2) Fill out this form and submit.

3) We will be in touch!
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Email *
Today's date is: *
Are you applying for: *
Full Name *
Home address *
Phone # *
What church do you attend? Where is it located? *
How long have you been walking with Jesus? *
Do you currently minister in the prophetic? If yes, for how long? *
Senior leader's name & phone number *
Anything else you'd like us to know? *
When are you available for an interview? (Days/times you're available) *
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