Citizen Comments Form-4/27/2021
Trevor-Wilmot Consolidated School District welcomes Citizens Comments during our Board meetings, as noted on the agenda. For Citizens Comments – please state your name and address for the record prior to your comments.

Citizen comments are limited to 5 minutes per citizen, in accordance with board policy (Policy #0167.3) and are expected to be presented in a respectful manner.

Please remember that comments are not to include specific praise nor criticism of individual staff or students – to protect both the staff and student’s rights, as well as the speakers.

In accordance with board policy, comments must not be too lengthy, personally directed, abusive, obscene or irrelevant.

Also - citizens have no special protection against liability for any claims made during citizens comments – and may be held personally legally responsible for false or defamatory claims, if warranted.

For specific complaint’s/issues – please follow the outlined process within Policy 9130.

No action will be taken under citizen comments.

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