REACH for IT - Certifications, Student Application
Thank you for your interest in the CompTIA courses and corresponding certification opportunities that are being offered by REACH for IT, a program operated by the RUSH Education and Career Hub. These courses are a FREE certification opportunity made available to Chicago-based high school students.

Each course is 10 weeks long, 40 hours in total. Students will be expected to attend all REMOTE class sessions (unless stated otherwise). The certification exam will be offered by RUSH and their exam providers. By applying for this course, you will also be registered to take the certification exam.

Round 2 applications are due 4/25/22 at 11:59AM CST. Notifications will be delivered via email by 4/25/22. Classes are scheduled to start on May 2nd, 2022, and will be held Mondays & Wednesdays from 6pm-8pm (excluding holidays and CPS breaks).

All questions should be directed to Darius Caffey at
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Email *
Name *
School *
Phone Number *
Current Grade *
Gender *
Pronouns *
Race *
Parent or Legal Guardian Name *
Parent Email *
Please enter the preferred email for your parent or legal guardian.
Parent Phone Number *
Please enter the preferred phone number for your parent or legal guardian.
Emergency Contact
If different then parent or legal guardian.
Emergency Contact Email
If different then parent or legal guardian.
Emergency Contact Phone
If different then parent or legal guardian.
I am applying for: *
Do you have any other academic or professional certifications? *
If so, which?
Are you currently enrolled as a CTE student? *
How did you hear about this program? *
If all spots are filled this round, do you want to be added to our waitlist? *
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