Application to Return to Mount Saint Mary College
Students who break their matriculation for more than one calendar year from the date of departure and who would like to return to Mount Saint Mary College must submit this application to the Registrar’s Office. Students who were previously under an academic probationary status are subject to the conditions of that status upon return. Permission to return or request for admission into a specific major is not guaranteed and will be based upon the review. Upon approval from the Registrar, students may register for class provided the pre-requisites have been met. Any coursework completed while away from MSMC will be reviewed for possible credit upon receipt of Official Transcripts. All students must complete the general education and major requirements in place at the time of re-entry. Student cannot mix requirements of two different catalogs.  Students seeking any exception must petition the Academic Standards Committee.  

*Please note, if you are a returning graduate student you do not need to fill out this form.  Please contact your respective graduate division for advisement and to be approved for Registration.
Student ID number
If you do not know your ID Number, please provide us with another identifying number if possible.  If not, just leave blank.
Last Name *
First Name *
Name under which you previously attended MSMC (if different from above):
Birthdate *
Cell Phone Number *
Home Phone Number (if applicable)
Mailing Address *
City *
State *
Zip code *
Personal E-mail Address *
This will be used as your recovery account for when you reactivate your online account.  Please enter e-mail address carefully. Do NOT enter your MSMC e-mail account.
Enrollment Information
When were you previously enrolled at MSMC? *
Please enter year and term. For example: Spring 1999
What kind of courses do you plan on taking? *
What Major Program  are you pursuing? *
(Please note some majors are subject to unique admissions requirements and make take longer to process)
Do you have an MSMC advisor/contact? If so, who? *
Have you attended another institution while absent from MSMC? *
If yes, please list the additional institutions attended:
Please note that you must provide official transcripts from ALL institutions attended while away from MSMC.  Transcripts can be mailed to our office directly at: Mount Saint Mary College, Attention: Registrar, 330 Powell Avenue, Newburgh, NY 12550
What Semester are you planning on returning? *
Please enter year and term. (For example, Fall 2015)
When is your intended Graduation? *
There are three conferral dates: May, August, and December.  Please include year. For example: December 2015
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