Create.Break.Learn: Guest blogger application
Product Management is an art, a dance, and a philosophy. There is no silver bullet or one shoe size fits all and that is what makes our industry so exciting. In an age where Lego is more valuable than gold and the biggest asset, an organisation can have data, sweet, sweet data.
Since launching Create.Break.Learn a personal product management blog, I have had tons of amazing feedback and offers for collaboration on expanding the site. In true lean fashion I intend to do just that, the site will expand to cover a broad range of subjects in the world of digital product development.
So this is a call to arms, a shout out to any digital professionals armed with a digital device and an opinion on how to make the best digital products our industry deserves.
I am sure this process will evolve as we expand and reach a larger audience but for now lets keep the process simple:
Fill out the form below with your email address and a little about yourself (Role, area of expertise, subjects you like talking about, maybe the odd joke :))
I will reach out in the new year for a our first guest bloggers meet a google hangout where we talk through topics, and general vibe on subjects we should