Schedule an Appointment 
Thank you for reaching out!  Please answer the following questions so I can understand your needs.  I look forward to hearing from you and will be in touch soon.  
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Email *
What is your name?  *
Which city and state do you live in?  (I am licensed to see therapy clients who live in Michigan and Indiana.  I offer coaching services for clients who live outside of Michigan and Indiana.) *
Which services are you interested in?  Please check all that apply.   *
How did you hear about me?  *
I see clients on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.  What times are you available to meet?  Please check all the times you are typically available.   *
How often are you hoping to meet?  *
Please confirm that you understand I do not bill insurance.  Payment is collected at the time of service by charging your credit card on file. Fees are $220 for sessions before 3pm and $250 for sessions after 3pm.   If you are seeing me for therapy services, I can provide you with a SuperBill (a detailed receipt) to submit to your insurance if they offer reimbursement benefits for mental health therapy.   *
Please confirm that you understand I meet with clients online through a HIPAA compliant online platform and do not meet with clients in person.  
Please share your top three goals in working together.   *
If you have any questions, please share them here and I will get back with you soon.  
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