CLAS Lending Library Materials Request Form
All requests for Lending Library materials are on a first come, first served basis and are subject to availability.
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Requester Information
Name *
Title / Position *
School / Institution *
Street Address *
City, State *
Zip Code *
Phone *
Email Address *
Materials Requested
(Please allow 2 weeks for processing and delivery.)
Please write the Title of your 1st requested item: *
Please write the Title of your 2nd requested item:
Please write the Title of your 3rd requested item:
Please write the Title(s) of any other items you'd like:
Expected first day of use *
Expected last day of use *
Additional comments:
How did you hear about our Lending Library program?
If you have questions regarding borrowing policies or any other matter, please contact CLAS at
User Agreement
By completing and signing this User Agreement, you, the patron, agree to follow all regulations outlined in the Standard Borrowing Policies (  I understand that the Center for Latin American Studies will contact me regarding this request. I understand that this request form depends on the availability of the Lending Library materials. I agree to abide by all policies and pay for the replacement of lost or damaged materials. Any materials I borrow will be used for classroom or research purposes only and will not be duplicated. *
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