MKE Application
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Name *
Stage Name (If Applicable)
Phone # *
Address *
Birthdate *
What is your full time occupation?
Are you able to check MKEs emails at least 3-4 times weekly? *
How many years DJing? *
How many years DJing weddings? *
Do you have any DJ wedding references? *
If yes, may we contact? *
Do you have your own music? *
Do you have your own equipment? *
Do you have reliable transportation and a valid drivers license? *
Are you able to commit up to a year in advance? (We book most of our DJs a year in advance) *
Are you willing to travel outside of Toledo for events? *
Where was the last place you seen a DJ perform? *
What did you like about the DJ?
What did you NOT like about the DJ?
What are some of your favorite artists?
Are you able to go out over the next couple of months and observe our DJs? *
If there is anything you would like to add, please do so here
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