Are you ready to feel safer and more confident?
  • Have you been feeling more low energy or more vulnerable lately?
  • Has it been a long time (or never) since your practiced self defense? 
  • Do you have questions about an event you experienced or heard about?
  • Are you ready for more positive energy and self assurance?
If you said yes to one or more of these questions, I encourage you to focus on empowerment and personal safety training. 

You'll learn about the spectrum of violence and how to create safety from a place of peace instead of fear. 

You'll learn practical methods for creating balance, distance, energy, and impact. 

We'll practice elements from Jeet Kune Do, Wing Chun, Escrima, and Kickboxing used by martial artists, law enforcement, and community organizers across the globe. 

All this work will be done in a small group setting, in the safety of my personal dojo in Renton, WA.

Each class will be 60-90 minutes on Tuesday evenings, starting at 5:30pm, for 6 weeks.

The first session is Tuesday, May 2, 2023Following sessions are 5/9, 5/16, 5/23, 5/30, 6/6. 

Tuition for the course is $125. 
(If you have questions, need a scholarship, want to contribute to a scholarship, etc., please contact us!) 

Reserve your spot today! 

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What is your phone number? 

(I will never share your info with others)
Would you like to participate in the Empowerment and Personal Safety Seminar?  *
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