Team Request For Grassroots Support - Recovery Advocacy Project

RAP Organizing Teams are a great way to bring together individuals from the same community, county, or state to focus on a mission driven campaign. Requests should stem from an identified need in the community or state the team members live in and we ask that there is a specific community or legislative ask in the request.

Grassroots support from the Recovery Advocacy Project to your team can benefit what you are working towards by helping to develop strategy, an impactful team or a campaign timeline. Working with RAP will also give your team access to digital organizing tools like letter writing campaigns or petitions, and access to our community organizing tools, trainings and expertise.

We ask that each team fulfills the following criteria before submitting a request for grassroots support:

  • Teams must have a specific community or legislative ask, such as building a community campaign to open a recovery community center or putting a bill in to strengthen the 911 Good Samaritan Law in their state;
  • Teams should consist of a minimum of 5 people who commit to at least 1 hour of team meetings twice per month to build and carry out the campaign;
  • Teams should work to have defined roles and responsibilities prior to submitting a request for ongoing support, such as a volunteer committee chair, volunteer committee co-chair, secretary, communication liaison, and an action network manager;

Fill out the form below to submit your team's request for grassroots support and a RAP staff member will be in touch with you regarding your request.

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Email *
Primary contact for this team (Name, email. phone) *
Community, County or State your team is organizing in *
Tell us about your campaign/action: 

Specific Community or Legislative Request 

Examples of a specific community or legislative ask could be:

- Request to build a community campaign to open a Recovery Community Center in San Mateo County, California

- Request to strengthen the 911 Good Samaritan Law in Wisconsin

Tell us about your campaign/action: Is this a new action/campaign or a continued request? *
How long have you been a team or been thinking about this project ?
Tell us about your campaign/action: Are there existing connections to the recovery community and existing partnerships or relationships built for this campaign?
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Contact for each Team Member (Name & Email) these team members are committing to at least 1 hour of team meetings twice per month 

 *minimum submission is 5 Team Members including primary contact. 

Roles and Responsibilities of Team Members

Please indicate if the team can assign a committed member to each role/responsibility with the checklist below.

Please note RAP staff can help teach these roles.

Do team members have prior training in community organizing, building relationships, or have attended RAP trainings in the past?
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The Recovery Advocacy Project would like each request to demonstrate that it is somehow driven by the needs of the people most impacted on the grassroots/local level.

On a scale of 1 -10 how strongly would you say this need is stemming from issues on the grassroots level?
Cannot demonstrate at all
Stems from voices of the grassroots
RAP believes a diverse movement full of unique life experiences and perspectives will foster vibrant and creative campaigns and solutions.

Does your team have or will work together to have diverse life experiences and perspectives involved with the campaign?
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