Schedule an Appointment
Reading Room hours are 9:30 - 4:00pm, Monday - Friday. Appointments must be made at least 24 hours in advance and are dependent on staff availability and the number of other appointments scheduled. Your appointment is not confirmed until we have sent a reply. 

Contact Mieko Palazzo at if you have any questions. 
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Name *
Email *
Phone Number 
Institution/Affiliation/Company  *
Researcher Category  *
Select an appointment date and time - Preferred  *
Appointments must be made at least 24 hours in advance 
Select an appointment date and time - Alternate  *
I would like to book for  *
If your visit extends beyond one day, please include the additional dates you'd like to visit
List the material you'd like to view *
Please include the name of the collection, collection number, and the boxes you want to view. We can pull up to 10 boxes per appointment (day). If you want to view Rare books or artist books please note the title and call number.
Purpose of your research *
Is this your first time visiting the reading room? *
Do you have any additional questions related to your visit?
Reading Room Policy 

You must agree to this policy below in order to conduct research at Special Collections Research Center.

 Collection materials including unpublished documents may be subject to laws governing copyright (Title 17, U.S. Code). Materials are provided under fair use and only for the purpose of personal study unless otherwise arranged. Permission of the copyright holder may be required for uses exceeding “fair use.” If researchers wish to use materials from SCRC for publication, exhibition, broadcast, or performance, researchers agree to secure prior written permission from the copyright holder. Researchers will give credit as outlined in the Fair Use Policy in the Research Policies and Procedures Guidelines. Furthermore, researchers acknowledge that they are solely responsible for determining the copyright status of the materials they use. This will all be outlined in our Reproduction Request form, which will need to be completed if using these materials for anything other than Fair Use.

All photocopying and scanning of materials is done by Special Collections Research Center staff. Some materials may not be available for duplication or publication due to donor restrictions, privacy restrictions, preservation issues, or copyright. Assessments will be made by Special Collections staff.

Reading Room Regulations

Appointments must be made at least 24 hours in advance and are dependent on staff availability and the number of other appointments scheduled. No-show appointments (after 30 minutes without notice) will be canceled.

Researchers may not under any circumstances remove collection materials from the reading room.

Researchers agree to handle all library collections gently and carefully and to keep loose documents in the order they are found. Researchers will abide by the specific guidelines, provided by SCRC staff, on proper handling and safe positioning of loose documents and volumes.

Pencils, limited sheets of loose paper, laptop computers, and phones are allowed in the reading room. Lockers are provided for researchers’ other personal belongings such as jackets, coats, pens, markers, and bags/purses are prohibited. Lab coats will be supplied for those who want additional coverage. Food and beverages can be left on the designated table outside of the Reading Room.

Permission to use digital cameras to take pictures will be granted on a case-by-case basis and require the completion of our Digital Photography Terms of Use. Restricted items, such as those containing third-party personal information, can be viewed in the Reading Room but are not permitted to be photographed.

Researchers may mark pages to be photocopied with paper strips provided by staff. Please do not remove the materials from their folders.

SCRC staff will examine laptops, notes, and other items when researchers exit the reading room.

Masks are not required but encouraged. Keep in mind others in our Reading Room may or may not be wearing a mask. Please be respectful of other patrons.

I have read and agree to abide by the reading room policies listed above
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