Freelancer Freedom Application
If you're interested in attending the Freelancer Freedom Workshop, fill out the form below.

Here's my real belief about freelancing...if you aren't doubling your income...or at least adding 50% to your income each year, you're doing something wrong. The path to more income from less time as a freelancer (or agency) is NOT improving at your craft. It's understanding how to work with better clients that pay you more independent of how much you work.

Finding the right clients (and keeping them) comes down to following a strategy that's designed for YOUR personality type. The two most common types are introvert and extrovert.

The freelancing system we're going to teach you will show you the best path for YOU. Not just some cookie cutter bollocks that only works for a small percentage of the people who implement it.  

If you seem like a good fit we'll reach out via phone or email to take the next steps. (Ian will personally be calling or sending the message.)
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What is your name? *
What is your age?
What's your occupation? Describe what you do in as few or as many sentences as you want. *
What is your income? *
What do you want most out of your business right now? For example, more income? Less work (time working)? More clients? Better clients? More recurring income? Write as much or as little as you want...the more specific to your situation the better... *
If there was only one thing you could change in your business, what would it be? *
Do you have trouble increasing your rates or charging higher prices?
Do you have built in backend incentives to ensure you make more money if you're client makes more money?
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(Only if applicable) How long have you been writing copy?
(Only if applicable) Have you ever attended a copy or marketing workshop?
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(Only if applicable) What do you most want to improve about your copy or business?
What do you think is the #1 thing holding you back from making more money from less time as a freelancer?
What's your Facebook profile?
What's your phone number? We will only use this to call you about your application. The call would be coming from Ian Stanley. It's an 805 area code number.
Are you able to attend a workshop in Las Vegas on Saturday November 9th, 2019? (it's ok if the answer is no.)
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Who did you hear about this workshop from? (For example, Ian's list, fb, or instagram. Or Stefan.) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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