FIT4RRI Awareness & Consensus Survey
FIT4RRI (Fostering Improved Training Tools for Responsible Research and Innovation) is a 3-year project coordinated by Sapienza University of Rome and funded by the European Commission Directorate General of Research and Innovation under the 8th Framework Programme “Horizon 2020” (for more information, see

This survey is aimed at collecting some basic information on the degree of awareness and consensus of people involved with science and innovation towards Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and Open Science (OS) (for more information, see and

We would be grateful if you could help us by answering a few questions. Filling in the questionnaire will need no more than 5 minutes.

All information will be confidential, and strictly used only within the framework of this survey. The name of the organisation you belong to will be not linked in any way with specific information collected through this survey.

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What is the name or the acronym of your organisation?
In which country is the organization based?
Could you specify what type of organization it is?
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Could you specify its legal status?
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Could you indicate in which area of your organization you work?
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Could you specify in a few words what is your position or role in the organisation?
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