Ahwatukee Chamber Toastmasters Club
Membership Application
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What is your Toastmasters membership status? *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Mailing Address *
Occasionally we would like to contact you with details of services, educational updates, and organizational updates. If you consent to us contacting you for this purpose, please check the box below corresponding to acceptable contact methods: *
Member’s Agreement and Release
Consistent with my desire to take personal responsibility for my conduct, individually and as a member of a Toastmasters club, I agree to abide by the principles contained in A Toastmaster’s Promise and the Toastmasters International Governing Documents and my club. I will refrain from any form of discrimination, harassment, bullying, derogatory, illegal, or unethical conduct, and I understand that if I engage in such conduct, I agree to reimburse Toastmasters International, my club or other clubs, or other individuals involved with Toastmasters, for any damages, losses or costs resulting from my conduct. Understanding that Toastmasters programs are conducted by volunteers who cannot be effectively screened or supervised by Toastmasters International or its clubs, I release and discharge Toastmasters International, its clubs, governing bodies, officers, employees, agents, and representatives from any liability for the intentional or negligent acts or omissions of any member or officer of my club or other clubs, or any officer of Toastmasters International. Should a dispute of some nature arise, I expressly agree to resolve all disputes, claims, and charges relating to Toastmasters, districts, clubs and Toastmasters members in accordance with Protocol 3.0: Ethics and Conduct.

By submitting this application, I expressly agree to the following:
• The collection, use and processing of the personal information I provide to Toastmasters in this membership application for the purposes of organization administration, payment of my dues, and inclusion of my contact information in a members’ directory that will be distributed to members and employees of Toastmasters. In addition, the collection, use and processing of my personal information collected by Toastmasters International through Toastmasters’ website and by electronic communications.

• That my information may be accessed and used by Toastmasters, its employees and agents, district officers and club officers.

• Maintain changes to my personal contact information to ensure it is accurate and current by updating my personal profile page located on the Toastmasters International website: https://www.toastmasters.org/login. I understand that the majority of the data requested in this application is necessary for administrative and planning purposes.

For our full privacy policy, you may visit www.toastmasters.org/footer/privacy-policy.
Toastmasters Dues
You can submit payment for dues through Zelle, Venmo or PayPal:
• Zelle: treasurer-1811442@toastmastersclubs.org
• Venmo: @AhwatukeeChamberToastmasters
• PayPal:  treasurer-1811442@toastmastersclubs.org 

Dues by start date:
Jan or Jul = $57.50
Feb or Aug = $45
Mar or Sep = $32.50
Apr or Oct = $107.50
May or Nov = $82.50
Jun or Dec = $70

Membership renewal dues will be collected biannually in March and September each year at $75.
Verification of Applicant
A Toastmaster’s Promise

As a member of Toastmasters International and my club, I promise:
• To attend club meetings regularly
• To prepare all of my projects to the best of my ability, basing them on the Toastmasters education program
• To prepare for and fulfill meeting assignments
• To provide fellow members with helpful, constructive evaluations
• To help the club maintain the positive, friendly environment necessary for all members to learn and grow
• To serve my club as an officer when called upon to do so
• To treat my fellow club members and our guests with respect and courtesy
• To bring guests to club meetings so they can see the benefits Toastmasters membership offers
• To adhere to the guidelines and rules for all Toastmasters education and recognition programs
• To act within Toastmasters’ core values of integrity, respect, service and excellence during the conduct of all Toastmasters activities

By my signature below, I agree to the terms of A Toastmaster’s Promise and the Member’s Agreement and Release stated above, and certify that I am 18 years of age or older (in compliance with the Toastmasters Club Constitution for Clubs of Toastmasters International).I acknowledge that my electronic signature on this document is legally equivalent to my handwritten signature.
Your digital signature (type your full name) *
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