EconJobMarket Board of Directors and Advisory Board Nomination Form
Econ Job Market Inc (EJM) is seeking nominations of qualified candidates for both its Board of Directors and its Advisory Board.  EJM aims to maintain broad representation of the economics profession on both boards, with diversity in the members’ experience and expertise, a wide range of affiliations including recruiting organizations and professional associations, and inclusion of historically underrepresented groups.

The Board of Directors oversees plans, procedures and policies.  Directors participate in a yearly board meeting (typically remote) and engage in occasional other communication as needed.  Each Director is expected to play a role in overseeing some component of the organization or helping to plan an initiative.  Directors serve a term of two years, renewable.

The Advisory Board is occasionally asked to provide input on initiatives put forward by the Board of Directors and officers.  Advisory board members serve a one-year term, with the opportunity to extend if requested by the Directors.

Qualifications:  Each candidate should have a doctoral degree, or be in the advanced stage of a doctoral program, in economics or a related field.

Nominations:  Self-nominations are welcome.  Nominations of others can be made anonymously or non-anonymously.  The current Board of Directors will make the final selections.
Deadline:  Please submit nominations for the Board of Directors using this online form before 31 May 2022, for the current round of board actions.  Nominations to the Advisory Board can be made at any time.

Econ Job Market® Inc. (EJM) is a nonprofit charity (a 501c3 organization).  EJM promotes the efficient exchange of information related to job postings, applications and letters of recommendation for the academic job market.  Econ Job Market Inc. serves the community of academic economists and organizations that hire them, primarily non-profit institutions.  More details are available here:

Please submit one form for each nominee.

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Your first and last name *
Your institution/affiliation *
Your title *
This nomination is *
Position you are nominating yourself or another for *
First and last name of your nominee (this can be yourself) *
Nominee's institution/affiliation *
Nominee's email address *
Statement supporting your nominee (qualifications, etc.) *
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