Endeavor Nigeria Speed Dating Application
The speed-dating session connects six selected entrepreneurs with Endeavor mentors in 20-minute, one-on-one meetings. This format offers tailored advice and insights on specific business challenges, fostering valuable mentor-mentee relationships that can drive growth and strategic decision-making for participating entrepreneurs.

Confirmed Speakers:
  • Toluwaleke Adenmosun - Senior Partner, Services, Verraki Partners
  • Yinka Edu, Partner, Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie

If that sounds interesting for you, please, fill the form below.
Email *
Please note that participation is in-person in Lagos, Nigeria. If selected, will you be available to attend?
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Name of Startup *
Startup Stage *
Industry/Vertical *
Role  *
What challenges do you currently face with running your business? *
What Masterclass will benefit you/your business the most? *
What do you hope to learn from being paired to speak one-on-one with an industry titan for 20 minutes? *
Would you mind paying a small fee* to be part of the speed dating session?
*The fee would be a one-time donation towards the summit.
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