The Marketing Nomad 1:1 Marketing Strategy Consultation
Thank you for booking the 1:1 Marketing Strategy consultation with The Marketing Nomad. This form helps us understand where your current standing is with marketing, and what are the different ways we can help you. Please take some time to answer each question. The more detailed the answer, the better we can help you!
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Email *
First name *
Last name *
Email *
Please list all your social media links as well as your website links *
What are you struggling with right now? *
What are your current marketing + sales goals? *
Please describe to me in detail everything you have done in marketing over the past 3-6 months to grow your business. *
What's your current email list size? *
Describe your business: What's your niche? Who do you serve (businesses or individuals)? What products/services do you sell? What is your price point? *
What are the top 5 FAQs your customers ask you? *
What past education and/or experience do you have that has led you to your current venture? *
Who is your ideal customer? *
List out 3 competitors in your field. Please provide links to their accounts or websites. *
What are your top three goals for your business over the next 6 months? 12 months? *
What has kept you from accomplishing these goals in the past? *
What do you feel might is most challenging or most significant obstacle for you while building your marketing strategy? *
If a marketing burden(s) could be removed during our time together, what would it be? *
What outcome would make this coaching relationship a great success in your eyes? *
What are you hoping to achieve by working with me? *
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