China Peripheries Seminar
A series of policy-oriented talks on the ethnically diverse and highly contested regions along China’s geographical edges, this year’s seminar focuses around key transformations taking place in China and Greater China today. The seminar will feature a new generation of scholars who combine deep insider-outsider knowledge with analysis of policy.

Session 1: Political Movements
Wednesday, January 31, 9 am

Grassroots Protest in Hong Kong
Ho-Fung Hung
Johns Hopkins University
Democracy and Populism in Taiwan
Wei-Ting Yen
Franklin and Marshall College

Session 2: Ecology & Development
Thursday, February 8, 1 pm

Development and the Environment in Tibet
Emily Yeh
University of Colorado
Ecology and Settler Colonialism in Xinjiang
Guldana Salimjan
Simon Fraser University

Session 3: Religion & Security
Wednesday, February 14, 11 am

The Sinicization of Islam
David Stroup
University of Manchester
Security and Tibet Policy
Tsering Topgyal
University of Birmingham
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