Emerald Ash Borer Reporting Form
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Contact Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number
Email *
Location of Sighting
Street Address *
(If there is no street address, describe as best you can the location [a park, a business name, etc.]. Please use any landmarks you observed at the site to help indicate the exact location. Note street intersection if appropriate.)
City/Town *
Zip Code
Sighting Details
Describe the insect seen, if one was observed
(Color, size, shape, etc.)
Describe any ash tree damage seen, if any [NOTE: Emerald ash borer only attacks ash trees, genus Fraxinus, or fringe trees, genus Chionanthus.]
(Holes in tree [indicate size and shape], S-shaped tunnels in bark, dieback of upper canopy of tree, etc.)
Additional Questions
How did you hear about the emerald ash borer? *
Anything Else?
(If you have any other questions or issues not addressed in this form, let us know here)
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