Expression of Interest Form
Robust Science Virtual World Cafe Spring and Fall 2021

Cafe 1 (High-throughput scientific applications and users /scientists): Wednesday, Feb 17, 12 pm - 3 PM EDT
Cafe 2 (Systems and Developers): Wednesday, April 21, 12 PM  - 3 PM EDT
Cafe 3 (Training and Trainees): Wednesday, August 25, 12 PM - 3 PM EDT

Please complete the form below and we will contact you with more information about the selected Virtual World Cafes (VWC).
Please visit the website for updates.
If you have any questions, please contact
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In spring 2021, we will be hosting two Virtual World Cafes and one in fall. Please select the VWC that you may be interested in participating (select all that apply): *
First Name *
Last Name *
Name of Affiliated Organization/Institute *
Please provide us with a brief description of your research areas and/or interests. *
Why are you interested in joining this meeting? Share with us your interests and motivations. *
Thank you for your interest in the spring 2021 Robust Science Virtual World Cafes. We will contact you closer to VWC date you selected with more information.
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