4-5 Year Old Preschool (Pre-K) Class Registration
This form is to register for the 4-5 year old class that will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 9:30am to noon . Tuition will be $120 a month due the first week of every month school is in session (September to May).
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Child's Name *
Child's Birthday *
Address *
I will use this to send a postcard inviting you and your child to an open house before school begins. 
Parent 1 Name *
Parent 1 Phone Number *
Parent 1 Email address *
Parent 2 Name
Parent 2 Phone Number
Parent 2 Email address
In case of an emergency, please list another contact who has not been listed previously. *
Emergency contact phone number *
Is there anything else that you would like me to know about your child so that I can teach him/her better?
Please send the $75 Registration Fee to secure your spot! (This will be used to pay for a school t-shirt, various supplies, and snacks for the school year.) This fee is non-refundable.
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