Michigan Horse Trails Association - Trail/Campground Incident Report Form
Please fill in as much information as you can.  If you are comfortable sharing your contact information for the purpose of follow up, I would greatly appreciate it, but it is not necessary for your incident to be included in the log. Thank you for taking the time to help us maintain safe trail riding experiences across the state :)  

Feel free to contact me with questions or concerns at 517-282-1533 or brandymiller788@gmail.com
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First Name
Last Name
Email address
Phone Number  (best number to contact you)
Trail System or Campground where the incident occurred  *
Date of Incident *
Time of Incident (approx) *
Day of the week of incident *
Where did the incident occur? *
County where incident occured (if known)
The incident involved which of the following *
Please give a description of the Trail incident from above. *
Where photos taken? *
Did you report the incident to the local DNR/Authorities?  *
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