The ISA Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor Survey
As part of course development, and with support from the National Instructors and Coaches Association (NICA), International Sports Academy (ISA) would love to hear your thoughts or feedback on how we can improve your experience!

This survey will take about 5 - 10 minutes. The survey results will better inform the academic team at ISA on the personal trainer demographics in Singapore, gym equipment usage, common obstacles experienced by the personal trainer/ fitness instructor, and the practicality of personal training/ fitness instruction knowledge on the job.

***Your response will be confidential, no personal data or details of the survey will be shared***

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Name *
Age *
How many years of Experience do you have as a Personal Trainer/Fitness Instructor?  *
Employment Status (As a Personal Trainer/Fitness Instructor) *
Which of the following organization you've obtained your personal training certification from?
Please rank the following fitness organisations according to your preference *
Least preferred - 1
Most preferred - 7
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
American Council on Exercise (ACE)
Federation of International Sports, Aerobics and Fitness (FISAF)
International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA)
National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)
National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF)
National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)
How was the class being delivered while obtaining your Personal Trainer/Fitness Instructor Certification?
What is your Highest Education Qualification In Sports & Fitness?
Which of the following is your preferred choice of resources when looking for information regarding Personal Training/Fitness Related Topics?
**You can select multiple options if more than one is applicable**
What are the reasons that your clients employ you? *
Select options accordingly
How frequent do you use the following equipment in a training session
Treadmill Machine
Elliptical Machine
Recumbent Bike
Air Bike
Spin Bike
Jacobs Ladder [Cardio Machine]
Rowing Machine
Ski Ergometer
Stair Steppers Machine
Plate-Loaded Machines/Stack Weight
Resistance Bands/Exercise Tubes
Suspension Trainer [e.g. TRX]
Medicine Ball
Stability Ball/Balance Trainer
Any other equipment you frequently use that were not listed in the previous question? *
How frequent do you experience the following situations?
Client's lateness
Difficulty in scheduling clients
Minimal effort put forth by client during training session
Client misses a training session
Clients were unable to achieve the goal they want
Late payment of fees [e.g. gym membership fees/trainer fees]
Poor behaviour from client during training session
Insufficient knowledge to train the client
Training sessions that went beyond allocated time
How important are the following knowledge domains in helping you perform your role as a trainer/ instructor?
Slightly Important
Moderately Important
Very Important
Anatomy & Physiology
Biomechanics & Kinesiology
Cardiorespiratory & Resistance training adaptations
Health psychology & Behaviour change theories
Effective communication (e.g. understanding clients and their attitudes, establishing good client-trainer relationship)
Pre-participation health screening
Fitness testing and monitoring
Exercise and techniques (e.g., types of exercise, purpose of exercises, application of exercises, teaching correct forms and techniques)
Program design (e.g., periodization, exercise guidelines for diverse population)
Program modification (e.g., adjustment to training plan, onsite modification of exercises)
Supervision of exercises (e.g., training observation, feedback to client, technique analysis, identification of poor technique)
Coaching pedagogy (e.g., instruction, motivating clients, coaching philosophy, safety precautions)
Injury prevention & management
Facility & equipment management (e.g., structuring facility, flow of the room, knowledge of equipment)
Professional development (e.g., self-reflection, continuous education)
Legal, professional, and business considerations (e.g., legal considerations, code of ethics, business structure and planning)
Any other knowledge domains/topics that you would like to find out more?
We will be conducting a sharing session to find out more about obstacles met while training clients and factors relating to job satisfaction as a personal trainer/ fitness instructor. This interview would take approximately 35 to 45 minutes.

Please leave us your email or contact number if you are interested in participating in the sharing session. A $10 voucher will be provided at the end of the interview as a token of appreciation. 

Sharing session will be conducted at International Sports Academy or on Zoom.

*Information shared during the Interview will also be kept confidential*
Please let us know if you have any feedback or comments
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