"How To Fight Racism" by Dr. Jemar Tisby -- Zoom Discussions (FEB 27 or FEB 28)
Please use this form to request the Zoom link for one of the two discussions about Tisby's wonderful book.

FEB 27 at 700 PM
FEB 28 at 930 AM

Dr. Tisby planes to join with us during one of the sessions -- FEB 27 at 7 PM. For those particularly interested in the fantastic opportunity to engage the author about the book -- you'll want to sign up for the Tuesday evening option.

But we want to have another option, too, for others who are not available in the evening, or who are not available that particular evening, or who are the kind to do their best thinking in the morning! FEB 28 at 930 AM will be a wonderful time with people who can gather to think and share.

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How To Fight Racism by Dr. Jemar Tisby
All are welcome! Please choose the one that best describes you: *
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