Session Evaluation
Thank you for attending the recent session with Katie Rigsby! To help Katie continually improve, please provide feedback about your experience in this session. Please select the option from the drop down menu that BEST represents your level of agreement with the statement provided.

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I feel that Katie was well prepared for the session. *
I feel that Katie was professional in her delivery of the session. *
I feel that Katie utilized the features available in the presentation platform to encourage audience participation and kept me engaged throughout the session. *
I would attend another session presented by Katie. *
I believe I achieved the learning objectives of this seminar. *
The seminar content met my expectations. *
I learned a new skill/information in this seminar. *
If applicable, I found the provided handout, resources, workbook or tips sheet to be helpful. *
I would recommend this specific seminar to others. *
If you were unable to answer "Strongly Agree" to any of the previous questions, please let us know how it can be improved to get a "strongly agree" from you next time.
Write a Review! Most of Katie's engagements are secured through referrals and word of mouth, Katie appreciates you taking a moment to write her a quick review?
Can we quote you? Please provide your contact information if we can use your comments on marketing materials or if you would like to be added to Katie's Mailing List.  If so, please provide your First and Last Name + Email Address
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