Los Angeles Fire Department Fire Prevention Bureau:  Customer Service Survey  
Your input is very important to us, please take a few minutes of your time to fill out this short survey.
Please submit this survey  through the link on our website at www.lafd.org/prevention or simply click on the submit button at the bottom of the survey.
Thank You.

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1.  What type of property was inspected?   *
2.  Please provide us with the corresponding zip code to your business (facility). *
3.  How available was our Los Angeles Fire Department representative  to answer your calls and/or email in a timely manner?
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4.  How informed were you by our Los Angeles Fire Department representative of any Fire Code violations and /or property status?
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5.  How satisfied are you with the overall quality of service provided to you by our Los Angeles Fire Department representative?
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Please add any specific comments in the text box below:
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