Better Belly Blueprint - International Interest Form
If you live outside the U.S. and are interested in taking the Better Belly Blueprint, please complete the form below. 

Filling out this form helps us to measure the amount of demand for a given country. The more people from your country who fill this out, the faster we'll focus on adapting this course to fit your need!

If we alter the course to include your country, we will use the email you provide below to contact you!


~ Team Better Belly
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Email *
First & Last Name *
What country do you live in? *
Please pick your country below, or submit your country's name in the "Other" option
What are the main health symptoms you are currently dealing with? *
E.g., Bloating, Constipation, Acid Reflux, etc.
Thanks for your time submitting this response form! Your answer will be recorded!
If we have any follow-up questions, we may email you at your email submitted with this form. 

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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