UKU Div 2 Nationals - [6-7 July 2024] - Spirit Scoring
Please submit a form after every game.

Spirit Scoring:
0 = Poor
1 = Not So Good
2 = Good (normal)
3 = Very Good
4 = Excellent

Please be aware that the EXPECTED SCORE in each category is 2, and that individual scores of 4 or 0 or total scores of above 14 or below 6 are exceptional and MUST be accompanied by comments explaining the score.  Scores may be deleted if the comment does not explicitly refer to the category for which the low or high score was given, and does not provide sufficient information from which the opposing team can use to help improve their spirit, or commend the team on the details of their performance.

The SOTG Committee suggests that teams consider giving comments for any category that scores a 1 so as to provide constructive feedback to your opponents.

Please note that the FULL BREAKDOWN OF SPIRIT SCORES will be published.

Note: You should enter scores by midnight on the last day of the tournament. Scores submitted later than this may not be included in the Spirit data. We recommend that you submit your scores straight after each game.
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Your Team Name *
Please select carefully, particularly if a 1st or 2nd team
Opposition Team Name *
Please select carefully, particularly if a 1st or 2nd team
Please tick here if this is the second (or more) time you've played this opponent
(so that we know it's not an accidental duplicate score)
Opposition Rules Knowledge and Use
Opposition Rules Knowledge and Use *
Opposition Fouls and Body Contact
Opposition Fouls and Body Contact *
Opposition Fair-Mindedness
Opposition Fair-Mindedness *
Opposition Positive Attitude and Self-Control
Opposition Positive Attitude and Self-Control *
Opposition Communication
Opposition Communication *
Required if any category score is 4 or 0 or if the total spirit score is above 14 or below 6; optional otherwise
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