Local Hack Day: Build - Guild Formation
We could not be more excited that you are interested in organizing a Guild for Local Hack Day: Build. You can register your Guild by filling out this form!

Building a Guild is a great way to participate in Local Hack Day and help your friends to enjoy the amazing things we have planned. To make spreading the word easier, we have created some marketing templates for you (more info below)

NOTE: Please make sure your guildmates also list off their guild in MLH OHQ when prompted. Please make sure all names abide by the MLH Code of Conduct.
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What is your email address? *
What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
Are you a member of the MLH Community Discord? *
What's your username and identifier on Discord? *
Your username is normally something like, "Totally Not Ryan from MLH" It also comes with an identifier like "#0118". We need both, so "Totally Not Ryan from MLH#0118".
What is your guild's name? *
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