2025年台灣復興特會註冊連結2025 Taiwan Revival Prophetic Conference Registration Link
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報名截止日期:早鳥價1/24 中午12點截止,一般價3/14 中午12點截止




服務電話:02-2727-9117/0933-900-107 黃姐妹 


Subject: 2025 Taiwan Revival Prophetic Conference

Date: March 21, 2025 to March 24, 2025

Host: Jesus Ministries

Registration Fee: Early Bird Price: 3800, Regular Price: 4500 (Registration fee is non-refundable)

Registration Deadline: Early Bird Price ends on January 24 at 12:00 PM, Regular Price ends on March 14 at 12:00 PM.

Location: Da Zhi Denwell / 3F Loft

Address: No. 8, Zhifu Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10466, Taiwan

Target Audience: People passionate about the manifestation of God's Kingdom and yearning for revival

Contact Phone: +886 2-27279117/+886 933900107 Sister Liu

Contact Email: jmtaiwan@jesusministries.org

報名費用 Registration fee
Speaker Introduction
撒督.孫大索牧師(Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj)
是一位先驅者,神呼召他為主耶穌基督的再來預備道路,16歲時,他與永活的基督會遇,經歷了戲劇性並超自然的改變。從1979年開始,他已經踏足50個國家,把福音和神醫治的大能傳給他的世代。他所創辦的電視網路⏤Angel TV⏤目前廣播的範圍已經達至半個地球。撒督弟兄會與主有無數次的會遇,主耶穌基督特別指他’’預備新婦’’來迎接祂的再來,他的生命與事工將會挑戰你、鼓勵你和教導你如何與基督親密同行。
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj is a forerunner who has been privileged to be called to prepare the way for the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. At age 16 he experienced a dramatic and supernatural encounter with the Living Christ. He has been preaching the Gospel and bringing the healing power of God to his generation since 1979 in over 50 nations. His television network, Angel TV, currently reaches out to approximately half the globe. Brother Sadhu has had numerous encounters with the Lord and has been specifically commissioned by the Lord Jesus Christ "to prepare the Bride" for His second coming. His life and ministry will provoke, encourage and teach you how to walk intimately with Christ.
蘿瑞.迪朵牧師(PS Laurie Ditto)
PS Laurie Ditto
Since meeting the Lord in 2000, Pastor Laurie Ditto has embarked on a supernatural journey walking with the Lord. By the grace of the Lord, Pastor Laurie has had multiple visits to heaven and has glimpsed the mysteries of the heavenly realm. In 2008, the Lord also led her to hell. Her rich spiritual experiences often bring deep spiritual impact to the participants, leading them to deeply enter into intimacy with the Lord and continuously experience breakthrough and renewal in life. The Lord Jesus entrusted her to preach the message of salvation to the lost souls. She has authored two wonderful spiritual books and is a servant of God anointed with a unique grace.
主僕疏效平(God's Servant Joseph Shu)
主僕疏效平,一九五四年出生於台灣,一九六0年受洗,一九九一年六月二十九日受聖靈的洗,帶著感恩的心,奉献一生給主,願討主的喜悅。一九九七年蒙主召叫,辭去EPSON Palo Alto Laboratory 經理職務。現今全職事奉主,跟隨主行走於美國、加拿大、臺灣、馬來西亞、新加坡、纹莱、羅馬、德國、澳洲、香港、中國…等地,傳楊主的福音。同時也是Angel TV固定特約講員,在Angel TV系列頻道中錄製節目「才德的婦女」讓許多華人弟兄姊妹聽中文的也能一回受到教導與訓練。
God's Servant Joseph Shu
Born in Taiwan in 1954. Baptized in 1960. Received the baptism of the Holy Spirit on June 29, 1991. With a grateful heart, dedicating one's life to the Lord, desiring to please the Lord. In 1997, heeding the call of the Lord, he resigned from his position as manager at EPSON Palo Alto Laboratory. Currently serving the Lord full-time, traveling and spreading the gospel of the Lord in the United States, Canada, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Rome, Germany, Australia, Hong Kong, China, and other places. At the same time, he is also a regular guest speaker on Angel TV, recording the program "Virtuous Women" on the Angel TV series channels, allowing many Chinese brothers and sisters to receive teaching and training in Chinese.
二、匯款後請將單據拍照回傳至Email 或Line並註明金額姓名電話匯款項目,並電聯確認才算完成匯款流程。

 Instructions for Remittance
  1. Remittance methods: Bank transfer, ATM transfernon-passbook deposit (no handling fee)
  2. After completing the remittance, please take a photo of the remittance receipt and send it back to the "email" or "International Vanguard LINE" with the amountnamephone number, and remittance item specified. Confirmation through phone call is required to complete the remittance process.
  3. If you fail to complete the above confirmation within the specified deadline, you will lose your eligibility to register.
◎線上刷卡資訊 Online credit card information
Please mark "Payment" or "Special Support" in the remarks
◎場地資訊 Conference Location Information
◎交通方式  Transportation method



Transportation method
1.MRT Information: Jian Nan Road Station, Exit 2 of the Wenhu Line (approximately 27 seconds by walking)
2.Bus Information: MRT Jiannan Road Station (3-minute walk)
Red 2. Red 3. Brown 20. Blue 7. Blue 20 (section). Blue 26. Green 16. Neihu main line.
3.Driving by yourself: Parking information for Dayeh Takashimaya B2 parking lot (limited parking spaces, please understand)
◎大會不提供餐食及住宿,以下為典華附近飯店資訊 Meals and accommodation will not be provided during the conference. The following is the hotel information near DenWell. 

 Important Points to Note
◼︎During the gathering, the Holy Spirit is moving strongly. Please bring your own personal items such as tissue paper and vomit bags as the conference will not provide them.
◼︎Please prepare your own meals. There are nearby food streets and other shops, and the conference will not provide meal services.
◼︎The epidemic prevention measures for the conference are based on the government's epidemic prevention regulations during the conference. If there are any changes to the content of the conference, the information published on the conference website will prevail. The organizers reserve the right to review the registration qualifications of participants and the final decision on whether the event will be held.
◼︎During the gathering, in order to protect the speakers and staff, recording and filming are strictly prohibited. Please also set your mobile phones to silent mode or turn them off.
◼︎During the gathering, please do not wear slippers.
◼︎During the gathering, please refrain from walking around and making loud noises.
◼︎Please keep your valuable belongings safe as the conference is not responsible for any loss or damage of personal property.
◼︎Please pay attention to the cleanliness of the venue and make sure that all garbage is properly sorted.
◼︎Please do not bring food or drinks into the lecture hall.
◼︎Once registered, no refund will be given.

I agree and will comply with all the conference information and instructions mentioned above.
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